Whakanui Whaiora – Storytelling resource
Your Story is a Taonga!
Your story is a powerful testament to your journey, strength, and resilience. Sharing your lived experience is more than just recounting events; it's about connecting with others, fostering understanding, and inspiring change.
Every story has the power to dismantle myths, challenge misconceptions and shatter stigma surrounding mental distress – including yours! By sharing your lived experience, you influence positive portrayals and contribute to a larger cause of hope, compassion, and inclusion.

Use your story to advocate for change
This five-part video series is a chance for you to reflect on your story and consider how you may like to channel it into a narrative that inspires change.
Grab your journal or something that you can use to write down your whakaaro/thoughts and watch the below video of our Lived Experience Champions sharing their thoughts on the question ‘What does it mean for you to be able to share your lived experience story?’
Don’t forget to watch all five videos till the end and answer the prompt – there are no right or wrong answers so give it a go! 😊 Use the hashtag #NTAstorytelling and mention @nokuteao in your lived experience storytelling on social media.
If you have any more thoughts or pātai, you can always email us at socialmovement@mentalhealth.org.nz